Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

American Film Institute's Top 100 Films: No. 16

I am big! It's the pictures that got small. Norma Desmond

For all the cheesiness I expected from this film, I was pleasantly surprised by the time it was over. I had never known much of the story line other than an affair between the young writer and older, faded star. However, everything from the beginning and end scenes with Joe Gillis' body in the pool to the eccentric acting by Gloria Swanson was enjoyable.

In my opinion, I think it was an original story line that was destroyed when Andrew Lloyd Webber tried to turn it into a musical. Although I will never say I'm not a fan of musical theatre, this was just pushing the envelop. I for one liked it as is. Again, with so many of the films I've seen so far, with the exception of some dated dialogue this is not a movie a viewer could initially tell was an older film. Interesting plot, would for sure see again.

3.5 stars out of 5

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